Letter from Hy Rosen to the Segals 3/27/99 Dearest Jim & Yoyo, Just received Anton's Memorial invitation and spent the next hour and a half at his website. It's so full of love. And his too short life was so full of life. So rich in friendships and so bountiful in experiences. His joi de vive leaps from every photo… (Except his first birthday party. Do you remember why he was crying?) I've said this before. I feel so fortunate to have connected with Anton, even if only for a single luncheon - and a few phone calls. We clicked. A kind of instant rapport. All to Anton's credit. It usually takes time for me to be comfortable with new people. As I browsed the website, as astounding as it is, I know it is a true and fitting memorial to a miraculous man.
I miss you two.
Best wishes,